PLAM Creative Studio





Murmuration Project

Politecnico di Milano

Exhibit design – Visual design

Politecnico di Milano, IUAV Venezia, Rwth Aachen University

Murmuration was born as a visual interpretation of the Climate Wunderkammer, si evolve come progetto audio-video, curato da Plam Creative Studio in collaborazione con Francesco Ulian (Motion Designer) e Luca Venturini (Sound Designer), in occasione dell’allestimento temporaneo della mostra per La Biennale di Venezia – 2023.

The graphic output is inspired by the natural phenomenon of flocks, individual behavioral interactions between birds generate a complex and scenographic system. In the same way, the contributions and ideas of the Climate Wunderkammer archive orbit around the world creating connections without borders.

We created a generative algorithm editable via console.The audio contribution is the sound interpretation of the project and interacts with the setting parameters. The track mixes organical and technological sounds.